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Breadfruit (Sukun)

Something is fried in my Mom's kitchen. Smells good! I run and find my Mom is frying the breadfruit. I love it. In Indonesian the breadfruit is called sukun. The shape is round and the skin is dark green in here. While I'm eating it, I start to browse in the internet, what is the benefit of consuming breadfruit. Hhm, it contains high calcium and protein. Even in US, breadfruit can substitute the bread because it tastes like a bread when it is boiled. The other important benefit is that breadfruit can heal lever. Based on the research, for people who suffer from lever, can use the breadfruit. Just cut it into four parts and then boil it. When it's done, just drink the boiling water of the breadfruit routinely for two weeks or more until the disease disappears. If it's difficult to find the breadfruit, then people can use the leaves for healing. Take about ten leaves (choose the yellow color), boil it until the color changes like tea, and then the lever sufferer able to drink it. 
(Please find the complete information in the internet, I'm reading this information by searching it through Google)

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