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Christmas Dine!

*********Silent night...holy night....***********
While my Dad played on the Christmas songs, my Mom and I were busy to prepare the Christmas dine. This year, my Mom wanted to cook nasi kuning (yellow rice). In my blog previously, I have showed it to you. The difference is, I bought it near my office,while at this time,it was made by my Mom. It was more complete and more delicious. But the yellow rice was not shaped like cone, my Mom only put it in a rice bowl. 

Christmas Dine
Spicy Chicken (Ayam Bumbu Rujak)
 Fried Noodle (Bakmi Goreng)
 Spicy Mix of Fried Potato,Chicken Heart,Quail Eggs
(Sambal Goreng Ati)
 Spicy Mix of Potato and Fermented Soybean Cake
(Kering Tempe)
 Pickle of Carrot and Cucumber (Acar)
 Spicy Round Potato (Perkedel)
Yellow Rice (Nasi Kuning)

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