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My First Novel

It seems that last week I wrote my status on Facebook, I begged to God that hopefully I can get my beautiful Christmas gift this year. And you know what? He has answered my prayer. It can be imagined how happy I am today. Today is began when I received a notification from online publisher that my novel has been approved and has been published online. I am so excited. Very excited. My dream comes true. I want to be a writer as I like to write many life stories based on my own imagination. Many ideas in my head and I make it into writing, including this blog of course. I said thank you to Jesus of course as my power center, my beloved parents and brothers, my motivator Yhosie, and last....thanks to the man Denny Santoso who is my friend that can make this happened truly. It's amazing you know. I will keep writing!
My 1st Indonesian novel "Deni" is able to be bought online through www.nulisbuku.com

Impossibility in achieving bright future as life is surrounded by fighting and weakened condition. Deni’s journey passed it in the bitterness.

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  1. keep up the good work my friend!

    aaagghh,, dont mention my name again ..
    im PINK now!!! * blushing ...* ^_^ kekekkekkee

  2. Thank u much, Chi. You're deserved that. Hahahahaahaha.

  3. @S (Susan) : hahahaahaha, jok nesu tha lah. Aku wis warah" nang Yochi. Hahahahaha.


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