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Make Me Smile

What do you say if one of your friend gave you something valuable?
One word must be happy
and the rest...be thankful.
That is happened to me today
My friend wrote his testimony upon my novel "DENI"
Make me smile all the time
My friend said :
The story is quite good although is frightening.

He has advised me that...
the story description of the main character 'Deni' is incomplete,
so it has made the plot returning into anticlimax

I'll take a note that.
But some other words has amazed me a lot,
he said :
I've made a small scale of making story with Javanese bakcground
compared to some famous writers such as
Emha Ainun or Umar Kayam

Hohohohohoho, I'm thrilled
Thanks so much, my friend

Arie Ishami is Manager of Publication at BALAI PUSTAKA

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