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Be Resistant

I have a cousin
His job is professional tour guide
A couple weeks ago, he sent me pictures
I saw it and the location was in Ijen Plateau
It's in Bondowoso, East Java

When he had free time, he came to my house
He likes hiking, swimming, and diving
He will be full of spirit once he talked about hiking
And me....?
I'm not interested actually, I would rather stay at the beach

But what has made me paid attention to his story is that...
His strength and his bravery
He guided his guests to Ijen Plateau
And you know what...
He stood up just about some meters from the sulfur lake
Can you imagine how it smells?
Be resistant right there...for hours?
Honestly, I will be collapsed
The smog seems enter your lung deeply
And if you didn't close your nose and your mouth with masker,
my cousin said...you can't breathe, short-winded
 One thing that made him be thankful to God is...
when he saw some workers take the sulfur from the lake,
where is surrounded by volcano sheer crater walls
They will start to work in the early morning and back home at 1.00 pm
My cousin said to me :
"Sis, can you think...what is it like their lungs? And I can see
how rough their hands. And they're paid so small."
I suddenly joined with him, be thankful to God of what we have.

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