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Special @ 30Yr

"Hey, we meet again!"
Some children said with friendly faces.
They look happy and keep smiling
 "Yes, we come again!" I said.
 Today is my second brother birthday
He's not in my hometown,
he must follow the training schedule in Jakarta,
due to his duty trip

Short speech from me
 Then, we pray together

So, he has asked me before to do this
Sharing some cakes, drinks, and candies 
to our best friends at EBERNEZER (orphanage)
We did it
 It's wonderful if we can share 
I might say, this day is beautiful,
and return into special @ 30Yr

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my bro...:-)
We all love you!

PS : If any of you wants to donate for this orphanage,
you can contact me : julianawina@yahoo.com 

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