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Someone Has Brightened Your Day With Smile

The most famous social network at this moment is Facebook
But do you still remember Friendster?
I'm sure you do
Yesterday, a package from my online publisher has arrived
I love it
 I myself have a lot of memories with Friendster,
as I have been registered by my best friend
It's fun!
I can have new friends from around the world everyday, 
it means that my knowledge will be added too...
because I know their culture

Well, speaking about friends, one them has become my special one
We have been together for almost two and half year,
although we broke up finally
That's fine, we're still a good friend until now
So, inspiration and imagination came out and I wrote this novel
Special gratitude is for him :-)

My 15th book!
Purchase it online at www.nulisbuku.com
Genre : Romance ; Fiction
The price : Rp 35.000,-
Ketika pernikahannya di batalkan dan tunangannya telah pergi, Deirdre Cameron berada dalam keputusasaan. Hidupnya tetap berjalan walaupun sepenuhnya di selimuti oleh kesedihan. Semua senyum dan tawanya adalah palsu karena sebetulnya dia hancur. Apa yang dia lakukan setiap hari bersama Rex Dominico seorang ahli IT mempesona yang selalu membuatnya ingin tinggal di kantor sampai larut malam?

When her wedding is cancelled and her fiancé has left her, Deirdre Cameron lives in despair. Her life keeps running although it’s totally covered by sadness. All of her smile and laughter are faked as she is broken inside. What is she doing everyday with Rex Dominico a charming IT expert that always make her want to stay at the office until late at night?

Cuando se cancela su boda y su novio la ha dejado, Deirdre Cameron vive en la desesperacion. Su vida sigue funcionando a pesar de que esta totalmente cubierto por la tristeza. Todos los de su sonrisa y la risa son falsas ya que se ha roto dentro. Que esta haciendo todos los dias con Rex Dominico una informacion encanto de experto en tecnologia que siempre que le daba ganas de quedarse en la oficina hasta altas horas de la noche?

Quando il suo matrimonio e annullato e il suo fidanzato l'ha lasciata, Deirdre Cameron vive nella disperazione. La sua vita continua a correre anche se e totalmente coperta da tristezza. Tutto il suo sorriso e le risate sono falsi come lei e rotto dentro. Che cosa sta facendo ogni giorno con Rex Dominico un'informazione affascinante di esperto di tecnologia che da sempre fanno venire voglia di rimanere in ufficio fino a tarda notte?

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