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I Love You, Nick!

Four days ago, I went out with my dad and my uncle
We must finished some monthly payment,
and continued it with lunch
I enjoyed it, but suddenly my heart was empty
I didn't know what I should do, it was just zero totally

It made me scared to death as at the same time,
the pain, the memory about the past came out in my mind,
scene by scene, like a movie
I felt frigid and stiff
And all of the words from those men beside me were evaporated

I was confused
I couldn't write not even single word for my novels
It wasn't nice at all being in the black hole for some days
And then, I said to my dad that I wanted to go to the bookstore,
which is near with the restaurant

I walked back and forth,
tried to have some books
And then I stopped for so long in front of the bookshelf
It seems that there was a voice in my ear
"Go, buy it!"
And I did

I read it page by page,
and you know what, I feel peace
I often cry and can't stop crying as his words really touch my heart
This man is amazing
I've known him before via YouTube, but I didn't know
that he has written a book
I wish I could meet him someday, soon (hopefully)
I want to hold him and kiss his cheek

Thank you so much, Nick
You've given me a better understanding about life
I love you and I will always pray,
may God will always take care of you

If you're trying to find a wife,
"Will you marry me?"
*I'm blushing, shy*

Nick, you're my hero *teary eyes*
I keep your book near my pillow,
so everytime I wake up, I can smile everyday, just like you do

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