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Bumbu Nusantara

If you ask how many kind of Indonesian spices? I will answer, a lot!!! That's why our foods are rich with different flavor, plus delicious of course. I'm not trying to be arrogant here, but it's true, my country has its thousand appetites. 

I'm working in company which is handling restaurant. Well, at this time, I will show you what is Bumbu Nusantara. It's the name of new restaurant in The Bay Bali area. They cook various Indonesian food, from appetizer, main course, and dessert. The unique thing is... they serve them traditionally. Hhm.... lovely. 

The Bay Bali location is at BTDC (Bali Tourism Development Centre) complex in Nusa Dua, Bali. There are some five stars hotels, shopping centre, restaurants, spas, theatre, and museum. So, for the guests who want to come for Indonesian culinary, Bumbu Nusantara will fetch them by using becak and old bicycles. Cute right? Absolutely. I like to sit down here while I enjoy the hot tea, because I feel like at home. Come, come, walk with me to Bumbu Nusantara, hand in hand ;-)

Welcome... music plays on!


The Chef and His Spices

Unique Ornaments

Food Stalls


Just sit down in Bumbu Nusantara,
you will feel like you're staying at home,
but... don't forget, you can enjoy the beach also

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