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City of Pecel

Since I was a little girl, my grandfather has told me that I must visit my ancestor cemetery. For so long, finally I have a chance to do it. And I felt amazed when I have arrived there. Come, follow me...

I walked in small village
The house is quite big, but it's very simple and traditional
My grandfather's sister and her husband still live healthy
I cried as I imagined if my grandfather still lives too
How happy I am if I can hear his advices about life again
I missed him :-(

This old woman is having family relationship with me
She's my grandfather's cousin
Can you see the powder on her face?
In her age, she keeps trying to be pretty 

When we talked each other and shared stories,
my aunt was busy in the kitchen
She made hot tea and of course pecel
Yes, I was in Madiun,
which is famous to be called city of pecel

Rice, vegetables, tofu, soybean cake, sunny side up egg,
kerupuk gendar (traditional chips made from rice), 
and peanut sauce... pecel is marked by its peanut sauce

Tried to eat traditionally
We didn't use the plate, but banana leaves
Super delicious!
The peanut sauce is made by my aunt
The brand is "Bumbu Pecel Bu Yayuk"

Last, we prayed and brought the flowers for our great great grandmother and
grandfather, and great grandmother and grandfather
Rest in peace...

The cemetery is very old and sacred
I'm proud to be part of this descendant

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