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Bang Jupri

I never eat grilled chicken which is using honey. And I forgot to ask whether one of the ingredients is truly honey. But it tastes delicious, sweet from the chicken itself and a little bit spicy from the sauce. My friends and I went to Uluwatu II area and found this place. Well, I'm still in Bali. We're lucky. We're not wrong in making a choice, otherwise I won't write it here. "Bang Jupri, here we come!!!"

Once you've arrived here, directly you can see how they cook. It's started from the grilling and the sauce making.



See the menu and voila...this is our choice, JUPRI I : ayam bakar madu / grilled chicken with honey. If the taste becomes too spicy for you, just add it with ketchup. Oh, we got the fried soybean cake and tofu also. Yummy!!!

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