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Fried Blanket...

I've just finished on shower
And I've heard my Mom is talking with her friend
in the living room
When I look at my dining table
Fried blanket in a big box is smiling at me

It's lumpia.
Lumpia is our traditional food
And it can be categorized as snacks
I mean...not the main course right?
such as bitterballen from Holland
croissant from French

 Lumpia : bean sprouts, bamboo shoot, chicken
it's covered like ravioli. And it's fried
That's why I call it fried blanket

Tahu brontak : bean sprout, carrot
Tofu is filled by bean sprouts and carrot,
put it in the liquid flour and then fry it.
*I'll show you the pictures later*

My Mom's friend has a small stand in her house
She makes lumpia and tahu brontak
Now, if you want to held party or entertain your guests
Just buy those snacks in Warung Ngemil Bu Bambang
at Jalan Latimojong Bawah No. 11
Phone : 0341 57.11.89
She makes it by order

I truly recommended to order this
Because it's delicious
I've tried it, lumpia and tahu brontak as well.


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