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Brownies vs Singkong

"Wina, I bring something for you." My Mom said.
Then she put these two tiny boxes on the dining table
 Whuaaaaaa, it's brownies
I love it
There are two flavors, chocolate and cheese
And you know what....these cakes are not made from flour,
but the main ingredient is roasted singkong
Singkong : cassava

I took the knife, cut it, and ate some slices
DELICIOUS, my friends
Brownies vs Singkong is nice
 Call this number +62 341 9355195 (Ibu Dwi) for the order
This shop also provides steamed brownies made from black sticky rice

Thanks, Mom!

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  1. Is there a site I could check the orders at? I wanna know how much and if they ship over seas :O!!!

  2. @Shona : unfortunately they don't have the website.And I'm afraid if it is sent to your country,the taste won't be fresh anymore.You can ask my help if you still want too.


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